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Winter Blues

Posted on March 4, 2013 at 3:17 PM Comments comments (91)
It is that time of year when Hunting FUN is hard.  Not only are there fewer items to choose from but the weather conditions make it difficult. 
Dispite that it is winter and searching is harder, we have been able to find some wonderful items.  So what does it take to acquire FUN in the winter??  Well that depends. 
For us it requires lots of time dedicated to a travel plan, using our day off as our hunting day, 5:00am mornings, standing in line in the snow, shoping everywhere (even places that you have not been successful and prayer. 
For you it could mean the same or......
you could just shop at Funtiques       

Slim Pickins

Posted on June 27, 2011 at 2:30 PM Comments comments (88)
Sometimes your best plans just don't pan out.  We decided to head to St. Louis on Saturday to hit some interesting sales only to find that all the items we wanted were already gone.  We brought the trailer thinking that we would fill it up (which cost us pushing 200.00 in gas).  Don't get me wrong we still found some items but not enough to merit dragging our trailer or the cost.  Sometimes it just works out that way.  A lot of effort and energy with little to show for it. We did score a Butter Yellow Velvet Sofa and Chair, A Large Aqua Storage Unit, Two Mod Chrome Chairs, Vintage Clothes, Flamingo's, Primitive Pink Trash Can, Primitive Small Table with Drawer, Other Primitives, Some Collectibles and Smalls. Pics to come. 
I know there is more FUN to find and a better trip ahead. 

Squeezing In Time for Shopping

Posted on June 21, 2011 at 3:53 PM Comments comments (94)
Recently we traveled to Kansas City to participate in a Family Reunion.  Of course we had to figure out how were going to squeeze in shopping for Funtiques at the same time.  We left on a Friday morning and hit every sale, shop and auction we could fit into one day.  We spent the night in KC with some family.  Saturday afternoon was the Family party.  We got up early on Sat. and spent 3 more hours hunting FUN.  It's a good thing we love shopping as much as we do.  And yes, the Family Reunion was fun too!

St. Louis Buying Extravaganza

Posted on February 25, 2011 at 4:20 PM Comments comments (124)
On Wednesday we had a Mid Century Dealer from out of state buy a trailer load of Funtiques Furniture and smalls.  Because we had the Ozark Antique Festival Saturday and Sunday we decided to jump into the van Thursday and see what we could find in St. Louis.  We were hopeful that we would find some great items to bring back to Funtiques and to share at the antique show.  Little did we know that we would find so much that we had to borrow my sisters garage in St. Louis to store what we could not fit into the van.  We started at 6:30 the next morning and did not return back to my sisters house until pushing 9pm.  YIKES.  Up the next morning (Friday) at 6am for a sale and then on the road back to Springfield with a van full.  Friday night we set up for the Antique Show at the Fairgrounds.  Saturday the show ran from 9 - 5.  Crashed that night.  Up Sunday for another day at the fair.  Packed everything up and brought it to Funtiques Sunday night.  Back to work for both of us Mon. morning.  We went back to St. Louis after work on Saturday night to pick up what we left in my sisters garage.  Shopped on Sunday on the way back to Springfield.  Unloaded the trailor Sunday night.  Calapsted.  Returned to work on Mon.  I am pretty sure WE ARE CRAZY.  We love what we do but it is hard work, long hours, heavy lifting and a crazy life style.  Check out the rewards of our efforts!!  

Let The FUN Begin!

Posted on November 28, 2010 at 10:40 PM Comments comments (59)
This blog is dedicated to telling you about our Funtiques purchasing adventures.  Kevin and I have spent over 20 years in the pursuit of crazy, wacky, retro, psycho stuff and had a blast doing it.  My goal is to include you in the FUN!